Millersville University Event – February 18th 2010

Millersville University in Millersville (near Lancaster) is hosting an event called Open Options: Remix Computing with Open Source Software. The event is designed to introduce students and faculty to the concept and philosophy of open source software. It will consist of approximately a 1 hour round table discussion on Open Source and approximately 1 hour of casual demonstrations, discussion and questions (think: tables with demos, people wandering around, cookies, coffee, chat).

Bryan Behrenshausen of the Department of Communication & Theatre at Millersville University has invited the Ubuntu Pennsylvania Team to participate to give Open Source demos. So far the team has helped out by providing some items for the event, but what we really need is more volunteers! Bring out your laptop or desktop loaded with Ubuntu and ready to give demos and join us for a fun evening of showing off Open Source to an eager audience. More details can be found on the wiki page:

If you have any questions, please feel free to email behrenshausen -AT- gmail -DOT- com

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